This is what jet lag looks like when you are two.
I saw Baboo lying on the nice comfy wood floor as I was whipping up a gourmet bowl of pasta a la mama.
"Baboo ... don't fall asleep yet. Mommy has dinner coming right up. Really. Just one more minute." I just don't want him to wake up at 2am to tell me he is "hungwee". I really really just want to stay horizontal for a whole night. I can dream, right?
I got the bowl on the table. He got up, walked over, took one look and started crying.
"I was sleeping." (sob sob)
He returned to his spot on the floor and that was all she wrote. I sort of wish I was him right now.
He looks adorable sleeping.
Awww...poor baby! Sometimes you just can't deny the nap within.
hey sits girl!
i love u r blog here! what a fun little thing. ur kiddos are adorable...
i love love love love the sleepy head on the floor. he's so tired...and those of us who have had jet lag know that feeling. i once slept like 20 hours after a return trip from Japan.
he's akid, though, so he'll be up and bouncing while ur still tired!! good luck!
That picture is priceless! Oh, it was so sooo good to see you!
ROFL Poor little guy. That SO does not look comfortable, but little kids can sleep just about anywhere...except their beds!
Glad you had a great time in the states.
hey! GREAT blog! I think the picture of your son sleeping on the floor is a work of art! great great picture! I dont know anyone whos 100, so that is a huge deal! CONGRATS to her! well, come on by sometime and drop me a note. I welcomem comments!
My mom has pictures of me asleep next to many a dinner and one where I fell asleep in the middle of the kitchen floor. Wish I could do that now...
That is sucha cute picture - my daughter has done that before. She came inside from playing took of her shoes and fell asleep on the floor. Congrats on SITS.
What a gorgeous shot! Ha- Awesome.
I love the "whole night horizontal" wish. Isn't it amazing where your priorities lie nowadays? In bed. Asleep. ;)
Aw! I have this same picture of MY two year old dealing with jet-lag, and all we did was pop across the Atlantic for a few weeks...
I have days like that! Oh to be 2 again!
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