Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mustang Pony Trek - Part 1

We just returned from an amazing family trip to Lower Mustang. I only hope the girls will remember this well as it truly was a once in a lifetime experience.

We left Kathmandu and took the half hour flight to Pokhara, spent the night, and then got on this little plane. (Mom - aren't you glad I didn't tell you about this before we left?)

And then we landed on a little airstrip at this very little airport. It was just a tad unnerving.

We awaited our noble steeds. They were duly named Brown Beauty (because we are so original), Burpy (he had flatulence issues providing preschool humor for days and days) and Marguerite (because my two year old could only come up with names of his cousins when asked what he wanted to name his pony).

And this was the vista before us for our day's travel.

Just a teaser ....


Queenie Jeannie said...

Wow!!! Such amazingly beautiful photographs! You are so blessed!

I'd like to follow your blog...but didn't see anywhere to click for it (???)


romanek said...

Can't wait to hear more...looks amazing.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love the horses names! so much fun. i can't wait to see more pics and hear more stories!

Jennifer said...

Amazing! Will you show us more photos?