Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Memories 2008

As I knew would happen I really didn't get to post much during the month. We had a really wonderful Christmas full of activity, but there was also some time to relax and reflect a bit. My time is short as we have a houseguest arriving tomorrow and the computer is in the guest room! Ah, c'est la vie. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

The family Advent service each Sunday and Christmas Day.

Christmas outfits from Nana, waiting for Daddy to come home so we can go to the Christmas Eve Service. The kids even remembered the sermon theme - "This was a VERY special baby!"

Sugar cookies for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer!

Christmas morning ... we are SO ready to go downstairs Mom and Dad!

Daddy and Swift, checking out directions to the Thomas Trains.

Our sweet Asha actually looks a little menacing here! She really enjoyed jumping over the gift wrapping. We do own a doggie Santa hat but we didn't subject her to it this year.

Contextualized Santa at the girl's school. It was amazing -- Santa made at least four different appearances in Kathmandu this year! The sartorial wonder had a different version of the Santa outfit for each occasion! What a busy guy!
Santa wears Tibetan boots and a Doga basket - who knew he was so culturally attuned?
He even arrived in a little green electric car.

Lastly, I love the little hands making Christmas cookies.



The Blonde Duck said...

How wonderful! It looks amazing.

Heather said...

What sweet pictures! And what a fabulous Santa!!